Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is Digital Art?

            Digital Art is everywhere on the web. It's webpage banners, backgrounds, paintings, cartoons, and drawings in general. Digital Art can be just a hobby or it could be a well paying job. I'm not gonna touch much on the other types of digital art at the moment, because I want to focus on the drawing portion of it.
         First off, you may be wondering how does one accomplish this? Drawing on a mouse seems difficult! And you're absolutely right. Digital Artists rarely ever use their computer mouse, we have drawing tablets that are pretty much pencil and paper, but draws straight to the computer screen. They aren't very expensive either, the cheapest tablet is 70, which is the bamboo pen. They last for a really long time too, as well. I've had mine for the last 2 years and it works perfectly fine. (It's well-used and you can tell where I've drawn on the pad because its a darker color in the middle)

            Next, I'll talk about what programs that you can draw on to create digital art. I prefer to use Paint tool Sai because it's the simplest and easiest of the art programs to use. It may be a tad bit expensive, but you can always run the trial version and see if you like it first. Here is a screenshot of Sai and an art piece I'm working on now. I'm trying to work with a background using painting within the program. It's time consuming but a lot of fun.

            Another art program I have but rarely use is Photoshop. Photoshop is more for special effects, so I don't really use it for anything. More advanced artists use this program to spice up their work and to help make it more appealing to the eye. Here's a screenshot of it below. This program is also very expensive, but you can always get a free trial of it as well.

Now ask yourself, is digital art the best for you? My answer? If you are passionate about art, then try it! It may be a little difficult to get used to and takes practice, but after some time, you can become great at it.

Some extra links for downloads if you want them: